Please note we have made some changes to the top menu. Since we are now rolling out our new web based Acureview 2 TC/PC program, we have added it to the menu. The original Acureview 1 is still available via Citrix using the Acureview 1 link. The TC/PC reports and Acuweb Global Report portals are the other two menu links.

In many cases, standard cultures alone cannot detect complex UTI’s that are outside the pathogen testing
panel, where multiple infections exist or when resistance genes are present.

For these Complex UTI’s, Acupath can provide rapid detection with accurate treatment options.

For Patients presenting:
  • Recurrent UTI
  • LUTS
  • Prostatitis
  • Cystitis
  • Elderly
  • Recently Catheterized
  • Pregnancy

With our Acu-UTI Molecular RT-PCR Technology, we can detect and identify: 31 Organisms and 26 Resistance Genes.

  • We are approved by NYSDOH
  • PCR is approximately 25% more sensitive than culture alone, often resulting in + results even when the culture is negative.
  • Antibiotic Resistance Testing is run concurrently with the pathogen identification results.
  • TAT standard 24-48 hours, once the specimen is received in the laboratory.

Superior Clinical and Economic Outcomes:

Detects pathogens that may not be detectable by culture alone.

Decreasing the patient’s risk and improving your patient’s treatment.

For more info, please contact: Acupath Laboratories, Inc. at [email protected] or 516-775-8103