The AcuReview 1.0 link is for Citrix and our legacy AcuReview product. AcuReview 2.0 is our new web based version. We are also now starting to transition our TC/PC Reports Portal users our to AcuReview 2.0 reports portal, which users your email address to log in.

  • Clinically Proven (5+ years on the market)
  • New Revenue Stream For Your Path Lab
  • Zero Capital Investment Required
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Acu-URO17 Bladder Cancer Biomarker:

Recognized by the FDA as a “Breakthrough Device”, Acu-URO17 works in conjunction with urine cytology and / or FISH to improve the diagnosis of and management of bladder cancer, while potentially adding a significant new revenue stream. Actively being ordered by and incorporated into urology practices / pathology labs nationwide.

Clinical Utilization (Risk Stratification Tool):
  • 99% NPV: RULE OUT – offset cytology’s low sensitivity (~35%) and confirm negative results. Adjudicate atypical diagnoses, identify patients at low risk of bladder cancer, avoid unnecessary testing / procedures
  • 96% Sensitivity: RULE IN – patients with confirmed abnormalities and in need of additional testing and work-up
  • Unlike cytology and FISH, URO17 detects both low-and high-grade disease
  • Numerous published studies available upon request
New Revenue Stream:
  • Can immediately be incorporated into a practice’s pathology lab and interpreted by a pathologist
In Network & Cost Effective:
  • URO17 CPT 88360 = $119 (CMS)
  • For comparison, Urine Cytology CPT 88112 = $68 (CMS)
  • Costs significantly less than comparable tests on the market

Director, Advanced Therapeutics Center, Urology Associates, P.C., Nashville, TN

“URO17 is a simple, inexpensive biomarker that has tremendous potential in point-of-service testing for patients with suspected urothelial carcinoma. I have found it to be significant upgrade over traditional cytology in the detection of both low-and high-grade urothelial carcinoma. In my experience, a negative URO17 is extremely meaningful and reliable in triaging patients away from invasive procedures. Furthermore, URO17 has been able to adjudicate indeterminate cytology results and allow me to better tailor surveillance schedules in patients with a history of bladder cancer.”

For more info, please contact: Acupath Laboratories, Inc. at [email protected] or 516-775-8103